I am attending counselling . . .
I'm attending counsellng, which helped me through those times of disasters. And I have told him about it. Counselling told me to defy him. I tried, and didn't succeed. Counselling told me to leave the scene and give time for him and me to cool down. It didn't work very well. This bastard needs psychiatic treatment. Counselling for me only helps a wee bit in my emotional well-being. It doesn't help the situation at all cos the fucking bastard doesn't change and doesn't see a need or doesn't know how to change. Whatever.... labelling him a fucking bastard is as perfect as it can be. A bastard has his life screwed and living behind it. His life is in a total mess and he thinks that he is perfect. How blind!
I've attended 3 sessions of counselling now. It helped me realised that my efforts of trying not to aggreviate his stupid temper is indeed building his godly view of himself. He thought he was the best, he made me think and act like he is the best, and when I obeyed out of sheer tiredness of quarrelling, he then really think that he is indeed the best!!!!
He is really living a bastard life!!!
I've attended 3 sessions of counselling now. It helped me realised that my efforts of trying not to aggreviate his stupid temper is indeed building his godly view of himself. He thought he was the best, he made me think and act like he is the best, and when I obeyed out of sheer tiredness of quarrelling, he then really think that he is indeed the best!!!!
He is really living a bastard life!!!
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