Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sicko Non-repentent

Bet he was testing me, he mentioned that he had a lunch appointment tomorrow. Of which I gave an OK and continued watching TV. I think he was expecting me to ask him who and where.

After a while, I asked him where he was having his lunch. I wanted to see if it's on the way to my office. He replied saying 'He needs to do this lunch. With that bitch'. I forgot if I asked him why, but I didn't change my tone. But guess what he said.

He said 'you had shouted at her and was very rude, so I have to treat her lunch to apologize to her.' I told him I have no regrets. I still wasn't shouting. But he continued to say that I had went there to 闹, I really fumed. What does he mean when he said that I
闹. I stood up and asked him to explain himself. To me, he sounded like I had 无理取闹. What the hell, does he mean I had no reason to be so angry and kicked up a big fuss for no reason!?!?!?!?!?!?

He lied to me and I caught him red-handed, and he said that my anger is baseless. That shows how much he had repented. He talked like I did something wrong to that bitch and he had to go and treat her lunch to apologize on my behalf. Please, I do not regret what I had done and I don't need to apologize to her at all, why does he need to treat her lunch and apologize for me scolding her? She deserves it, every bit. And he deserves to be scolded by her if she was angry for being scolded by me. Why did he say it like I am to be blamed for her being angry and him needing to treat her lunch and apologize to her????

I asked him if I have the right to be angry. He said he know that it was not my character to shout at people. Damn! I blew my top. I told him he doesn't really know me. I don't get angry often doesn't mean I do not have a temper. I am a girl with pride. Does he think that everybody can walk all over my head and I still am expected to smile and be nice to that asshole? I do not have a habit of scolding people, but if somebody ever cross the line and goes too much overboard, does he still expect me to be nice to that asshole? And if my character is such, does he think that he had gone too much overboard and had caused me to not be my normal self?

He said no matter what, I had been rude and he needed to apolgoize. I told him specifically that he needs to apologize to her that he lied to me and caused me to be very angry and did it to her. He shouldn't be apologizing to her that I had done something wrong. From then on, he started saying he didn't say I was in the wrong and it was he who was wrong that caused me to do something out of ordinary. Bloody him! He needed me to point out to him that the gist of it is HE HAD LIED TO ME AND I HAD CAUGHT HIM RED-HANDED AND THAT WAS WHY I BLEW MY TOP!!!!!!! He didn't realise why he was wrong until I told him the difference. So he blamed me for not acting in a proper manner that day. Tell me if this is not unrepentent, this is what!!!!!!!!

He said we have settled the issue between us, and he had to settle the issue with her and treat her to lunch. I told him he should have treated me to 3 meals and apologize to me formerly. He said he did. I asked him did he apologize about the previous bitch. He said I was thinking too much again. Bloody him! I told him we are 2 couples, and 3 of us had admitted that whatever went on shouldn't have happened and was wrong, but he still insisted that he had done nothing wrong. That bitch even told her hubby to try to meet me to apologize face-to-face, and he still can deny that he did wrong. I asked him has he ever been repentent about his ways. I told him my trust for him was at negative, and he had promised to do something about it. But what did he do? He went on with another story with another stupid bitch. I told him she had already confessed on the lacy panties that he had bought were for her, and for her wedding present, but what did he do, he still deny that it had happened. I had all the evidence spread out on the table for him, but he still tried to wiggle his way without admitting his own error.

He argued that he did say his sorry. I told him to say it again. He said 'sorry'. I asked him sorry for what, tell me one whole sentence about what he was sorry about regarding that previous bitch. He kept quiet. He kept quiet for a few minutes, he just didn't know what to say. See, he still doesn't want to admit his wrongdoings. Finally, he said he was sorry, that maybe they went too far and too close. I threw his comment back to him. I told him he had never apologized to me. Even when he tried, he still had to use 'but', 'if' and 'maybe' to show that he was not wrong.

I told him evidence was so clear. I had that previous bitch's husband calling me to apologize. I had the current bitch confessing that he had bought lacy panties for her. But he still refused to admit either of it without any 'but', 'if' or 'maybe'. What did he do? He again stood against the claim that he had bought lacy panties for her, and he said he would ask that bitch herself about it. I told him it would be best if three of us would sit down and talk about it. He said fine, if I'm free tomorrow, we shall all have lunch together. I said I have all the time in the world. He said before meeting her for lunch tomorrow, I'll have to think through it and calm myself down. I told him at tomorrow's lunch, he better watch what he says, if he ever put the blame on me for causing much unhappiness, he better be careful. He told me he hates to be threatened. I told him I hate to be lied to. He kept quiet.

He then said that I was not in a mind to talk reasonably. And that I had acted rashly. I told him I had kept my cool for so many damn long years, that's more then enough to consider my fair share. He said maybe it is his retribution that I am so unreasonable when I am angry because he must be as unreasonable when he was in a foul mood. He asked to go to sleep and me to calm down. I told him his retribution is not enough, he could ask to go to sleep and I said yes, I'm letting him out too easily.

He walked out and walked back, and tried to tell me my temper was very bad and I was beyond reasoning. I told him check on himself when he blares on non-stop every other day when his temper got the better of him. He said he doesn't want us to end up not on talking terms because of my unreasonableness. I told him who did want it to end when I told him to go to sleep and he had walked back to start another talk. He smiled and asked me if I had been scolding people before I met him. I said no. He asked if I would go on non-stop when I start scolding people. I said no. Then he said he should look at himself and change because I'm learning his wrong way of dealing with things and it's not good!

Asshole!!!!!! If you dare try to blame me again for what had happened on that Friday a few weeks back, I'll have you eat your own shit!


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