Tuesday, March 21, 2006


From the minute we step into the car, he comments about every damn thing until ..... I don't know ..... maybe until something else crop up or that it never will end until we quarrel and he starts shouting at me.

I really hate to drive while he is around. I simply hate to drive, which then leads to me having less practice, when he is sitting beside me while I am driving.

The more he nags at the simpliest thing, the more I grew weary of him. The more I grew weary of him, the more I dread driving with him around. The more I dread it the more I don't want to be stuck in that position. The more I don't want to drive with him around, the more he will get angry when I don't want to drive. Then he will insist that I am weak and lack of confidence and I am scared of being scolded by him. Honestly, I am, of the 3 points he mentioned, only scared of being scolded by him. It's not that I did the wrong thing and am scared that he scolds me. It's that he nags at every single little thing. He thinks he is so damn good at driving and know every damn thing about driving that he knows best and I don't know a thing. He thinks that I am wrong in every situation and I have room for improvement in every god damn thing. It may be true, I'm not the arrogant kinda guy to think that I'm best at everything. BUT DOES HE NEED TO NAG!?!?!?!?!??!!

His mom is right. The way he nags and scolds and comments, it will end up hurting more than educating. I'm now afraid of driving with him, cos it will most likely end up in a bad mood. And the more he nags, the less I drive and the more I err and the more he nags. It's a vicious cycle. Never ending. . .

He thinks he is teaching. But he is not. He is overloading. He is over intruding. He is over controlling. He is doing more harm then good. He is degrading my confidence. He is testing my patience and thinning it real fast. Imagine when you are at the wheel, there's some irritant that keeps nagging and commenting on all the dos and don'ts of your every action. Which lane you are on, which gear you are at, slow down too fast, slow down too slow, accelerating too fast, accelerating too slow, signalling too early, signalling too late, etc . . .

Come on, take a break! Does he need to do this? The more I drive, the more I know. He just need to comment on the truly necessary. What a nagger . . . !!!!!


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