Sunday, October 23, 2005


He asked me to help him with something, I helped, successfully helped. But he simply got angry over some stupid issue and in the end, threw a big tantrum. He got angry and reacted rashly first, without even me rebutting him (cos I was on the phone talking to someone for him).

Everytime I help him with this calling, he has to find something to scold me about. Can't he just stop criticising and pinpointing people? His whole family complains that he does this. He can tell his mom to cook for him, and when his mom did, he will complain about this dish, about that dish. He can tell his sister to do things for him, and in the end will pick on this and that. He is doing the same to me. He asked me for help, but he complains about everthing, even though I had successfully fulfilled my mission. Why does he have to complain? Does he have to comment about everything little thing?

Then I got irritated. And of course, he is the king and he has every right to be angry at me, but I have no right to get irritated, get frustrated, get irked by him. So he took his imaginary rights and scolded me upside down ------ on my attitude again. Goodness, look at yourself first. Did you show a good attitude to someone who had helped you achieved what you could not achieved? You didn't even say a thank you, and before you even show a breath of gratitude, you complain about what I had done. If you demand that I give before I take, I honestly live by your principles too. I'll see that you give before you take too!!!!

So we end up throwing tantrums, him throwing some stupid rod around the house, screamed at the top of his voice, ordering me about as he wish, trapping me by asking me to say how I feel, and in the end find more excuses to pin me down again.

I offered a solution to him, like what he had asked me to. He agreed to try. But easily within the next few sentences, he threw a counter solution back at me. And simply told me that I'll get my solution when I go by his solution first. Didn't he agree to try mine? Within a few sentences, he had gone back on his word!!!

Everything that I do must revolve around you. When you were not feeling good, I have to give in to you and your scoldings, pamper you, take care of you, etc... But what about me? When I'm not feeling good, I still have to obey by your standards (of not raising my voice, of not rebutting you, of not giving stupid excuses, of not showing attitude). I have no me! Am I to loose myself once I am with you? I have to be moodless, I have to stop loving myself, I have to give in to you. 100%...?

You are such a selfish brat!!!


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